Sunday, May 26, 2013

Handspun Cotton Scarf

I finally have enough handspun cotton to start weaving a scarf.  I thought I had enough earlier this week, got nervous, spun some more green, and convinced myself.  I boiled the last of the dark brown last night and it is drying today. Tomorrow I will warp my Schacht 20" FLIP rigid heddle loom.

That is, if Frida will let me.  While I was winding the prepared cotton yarn from skeins into balls yesterday, I noticed that the white ball was missing.  I thought I had merely set it down somewhere, and kept winding.  But then my husband informed me that Frida was playing with it in the dining room.  It was a little messed up, but no harm was done.  I have now placed all the balls of cotton in a location that, I think, she cannot get to. But one never knows with a Maine Coon Cat.

I used an Alden Amos T-Frame to spin most of this cotton, as well as a tahkli and a Bosworth attache (the green).  I may have spun the white cotton on my Matchless, can't remember.  All the plying was done on the Matchless, which did an expert job of it.  The colored cotton came out very nicely.  The green finished up a soft moss color.  I have two browns: a medium and a dark.  Then there are some mixed colors that I experimented with, plying two different colors together.  I have 4.5 ounces of cotton yarn.

Today we are off to the Zenas Sikes Adobe, which is operated by the San Dieguito River Park.  We'll spin there for a couple of hours this afternoon.